Furthermore Fallen Apple
October 7th, 2009 beckelHere I have a very interesting brew from the fine folk of Furthermore Brewing from my neighboring state of Wisconsin, making this almost a local brew. I am not the biggest cider drinker but I definitely enjoy it and am obviously always curious to try new things, so when I saw Alvey of The Four Firkins post that they had this odd concoction in stock I couldn’t help but pick it up. According to the brewers Fallen Apple is “Brewed with our favorite season in mind, this blended delicacy is a celebration of falling leaves and falling in love” or style wise a Cream Ale brewed with apple juice, conveniently from a local orchard. Cream Ale + apple juice? That’s a first for me, but intriguing none the less. I consumed a bottle of it last night and though it wasn’t really what I was expecting it was quite nice. Lets see how it goes this time. This ale pours light golden cider hue and produces under a finger of pure white head that only lasts for a minute or two but leaves a nice ring around the surface of the brew almost indefinitely. Aroma is slightly tart and full of light grains, I’m not sure if it is actually in there but I also detect Pilsner Malt though I kind of think it is just a similar scent created by the fermented apple juice. The flavor is where it gets really interesting. Light grains are quite prevalent in flavor as in the aroma but gentle tart apple notes easily shine through the grain bill and provide some enjoyable flavors that compliment the malts used quite well. The flavors of this brew are quite crisp and clean though the mouthfeel is nicely carbonated and rather dry like a champagne (though obviously not as carbonated as champagne). Body is fuller than I would expect but still rather light. With a 6.2% ABV this an easy brew to have quite a few of while still strong enough to give you a nice buzz. Though the apple does not come through in the way I expected it to the dry tartness it provides is really quite nice and makes this a solid seasonal brew that is perfect to consume while raking the leaves or adventuring in the woods. Though the grains in this brew are lighter than I traditionally go for the intriguing apple characteristics are enough to give this brew a reasonable rating in by book. If you enjoy fermented apples and the soft tartness they create you will be all over this beer or if you just want a nice easy to drink seasonal brew that is a bit out of the ordinary you have it right here. Give it a shot and ride your bike.