May 14th, 2009 beckel
I was going to continue my streak of Tommyknocker reviews but upon glancing over at New Glarus’ Organic Revolution sitting in my fridge and remembering a comment I had read earlier that day on The Captain’s Chair post about Hop Hearty IPA I decided it was time to see what a organic beer from New Glarus would be like. As I’m sure many of you know New Glarus is a regional brewery that only distributes within its own state of Wisconsin and pays a lot of tribute to things local and sustainable and apparently wanted to give the “purity” of organic a shot. This beer is bottle fermented and naturally carbonated…and carbonated it is, I had to stop during the pour as to not overfill my pint glass. Leaving me with a solid three fingers of pure white head that lasted for a few minutes atop this hazy, though translucent yellowish orange brew. Aroma is quite nice with slightly sweet pale malt and some moderately pungent bittering hops here and there to give this beer a well rounded smell. The flavor is really quite interesting, you will have to try it yourself to really understand. The malt has a clean but somewhat flat flavor that I have noticed in all of the organic beers that I have tried and have a hard time putting proper words to, it is not a bad thing, simply different. In addition to somewhat sweet malt flavors you get some solid bitterness from the hops as well as a very nice gentle grapefruit citrus flavor that works to balance the malt used in this beer. This is a flavorful Pale Ale that sticks to New Glarus’ tradition of making tasty easy to drink beers. This beer should be approachable for pretty much anyone though I find it to be one of their more intricate flavored brews. Give it a shot and ride your bike.

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July 22nd, 2008 beckel
Couldn’t wait to try the other Peak Organic beer in my fridge, so without further ado. This beer pours a grand slightly dark but transparent cherry red color. Head is much less plentiful than the pale ale but seems a bit more solid. Smell is similar to that of the pale ale but smoother and deeper roasted malt scents and a hint of something else almost fruit like. Flavor is predominately roasted malts, but still sweet with a nice balance of bitterness in the finish. Mouthfeel is relatively light and quite drinkable at 4.8% ABV. These beers have both been good, and I definitely prefer the amber to the pale ale, but something about these beers throws me off, I think it is their strange malt profile, quite different than most, almost reminds me of an English brown ale. This is a beautiful and tasty beer, if you would like to try an amber that is a bit different this is a great choice. Give it a shot and ride your bike.

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July 21st, 2008 beckel
I have always been curious about the many organic beers popping up as of late and Peak Organic out of Portland, Maine seems to be a prime example of the trend. I have heard some positive things about their beers, so when filling up a mixed six pack I thought I would try the two varieties the store had on hand. This pale ale pours a nice copper color with some red hues and a nice full head. The plentiful head fades rather rapidly. Smells of roasted and perhaps carmelized malts, more like an amber than a pale ale, very pungent. The flavor encompasses a lot of roasted malt and some bitterness in the aftertaste which makes the 5.05% ABV barely notable. Mouthfeel is rather light. As I drink more of this beer I continue to be surprised by its flavor, some more pale malts are detectable but the roasted malt flavor is most prevalent. Overall a very different beer than I was expecting based on its pale ale label but it is also not a bad beer. More of a roasted malty beer but I suppose it is rather pale. I think this is definitely a good beer but I’m not sure how often I would purchase it because of all of the other grand beers out there. If your into the organic concept and want to support a good cause, or just like a roasted malty pale (or amber) beer this one might catch your fancy. I am very curious to see what their amber tastes like now. Give it a shot and ride your bike.

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