Orval Trappist Ale

July 22nd, 2008 beckel

Orval is one of the 7 Trappist monasteries that produce beer and a foreign one to me. First produced in 1931 in the Gaume region of Belgium, this beer is sure to be an experience. Pours with massive head that is quite impossible to disturb as a proper Belgian beer should. Color is a lovely orange red, not hazy but not penetrated by light either.  Aroma is almost like a wine, full scent of alcohol and fermentation. This beer has a complex flavor, lots of smooth malt sweeps over the palate accompanied by bitter and almost sour citrus flavors. The bitter and tart flavors are most notable in this beer but the malt and yeast manage to balance this 6.9% ABV beer quite well. Probably a beer you want to sip on but its mouthfeel is amazingly light. The yeast doesn’t stand out as much as it did in the Chimay Trappist beers I’ve had but it is still an unquestionably unique drink with some flavors not present in most beer. If you like different and complex beers you should certainly give this one a try, though you will probably like it more if you prefer a  sour beer or are a fan of fermented fruits. Trappist ales are always unique and I’m glad I got the chance to try this one. Give it a shot and ride your bike.

Orval Trappist Ale

Peak Organic Amber Ale

July 22nd, 2008 beckel

Couldn’t wait to try the other Peak Organic beer in my fridge, so without further ado. This beer pours a grand slightly dark but transparent cherry red color. Head is much less plentiful than the pale ale but seems a bit more solid. Smell is similar to that of the pale ale but smoother and deeper roasted malt scents and a hint of something else almost fruit like. Flavor is predominately roasted malts, but still sweet with a nice balance of bitterness in the finish. Mouthfeel is relatively light and quite drinkable at 4.8% ABV. These beers have both been good, and I definitely prefer the amber to the pale ale, but something about these beers throws me off, I think it is their strange malt profile, quite different than most, almost reminds me of an English brown ale. This is a beautiful and tasty beer, if you would like to try an amber that is a bit different this is a great choice. Give it a shot and ride your bike.

Peak Organic Amber Ale