Breckenridge 471 Imperial IPA
July 27th, 2008 beckelThis imperial IPA from Breckenridge Brewery out of Denver, Colorado is part of their small batch 471 series of specialty beers and has tempted me for some time. Pours with plenty of head that cascades nicely and lasts for some time, off white in color. Appearance is of dark apricot and very hazy, not transparent at all. Aroma is full of hops, bitter and somewhat citrus, slight malt scent is present. This beer boasts a mighty hop profile slight citrus and heavy bitterness are predominate but there is a nice balance of malt sweetness. The 9.2% ABV is only notable in the amount of bitterness presented in this beer bit not overpowering because of the sweetness present in the aftertaste. Mouthfeel is medium. Overall this is a damn flavorful and well crafted Imperial IPA and will likely be enjoyed by those who appreciate a strong hoppy, but balanced beer. Give it a shot and ride your bike.